Mentoring Programs
Now Available!
Mental Training Course
This Do-It-Yourself Online Course is the perfect course to get young players thinking like Elite Athletes!
Confidence, Leadership, & Competitive Mentality... This method gets players to see the game in the right perspective and strengthens their mind to assure success.
*This Program is conducted by MySoccerMentor.com
Now Available!
6-Week Mastermind Program
This program is the Ultimate Mental Training Program for Soccer Players.
6 Weeks of 1 on 1 Coaching Calls, Video Tutorials, & Weekly Exercises will transform your child into the player that you know and they know they can be.
Spots are limited, so player selection is necessary.
*This Program is conducted by MySoccerMentor.com
Now Available!
Monthly Mentoring
Most Coaches don't have the time to focus on the individual player.
This Monthly Mentoring Program is a Coaching Call style program designed to understand your player and guide them throughout their season.
You can expect an improvement in accountability, motivation, and performance after just a few phone calls.
*This Program is conducted by MySoccerMentor.com